Screw It, Let’s Do It: Lessons In Life And Business
Author : Richard Branson
Genre : Management, Self-Help, Autobiography
Sir Richard Branson is one of my few role-models in business. Consider his life:
♣ One of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs, with a personal net worth of US$ 5 bn. Started Virgin Group which has 50,000 employees now. Owns an island (Necker Island near Florida, US).
♣ Born to a rather poor village household, suffered from dyslexia (reading disorder) as a kid and yet overcame it all to be so successful. His first venture, Student magazine, was launched when he was sixteen and a school drop-out.
♣ Very cerebral, has written half a dozen books, almost all of them best sellers. And a morning reader like Bill Gates.
♣ Adventurist to the core. First human to cross Atlantic Ocean on a Hot Air Balloon. Also, won the prize for fastest ocean crossing on a boat. In both attempts, had multiple near death experiences, but persevered.
♣ Highly conscious of his social responsibility. Started Group of Elders (with Nelson Mandela, Jimmy Carter and other luminaries) to remove politics from policy and give wise advice to the world.
♣ A maverick who sets his own rules. Will often come in the media in ‘inappropriate’ poses (e.g. hung from a crane at Times Square apparently naked to publicize the ‘nothing-to-hide’ costs of Virgin Mobile).
I have been mesmerized by the sheer magnitude of his vast, multi-dimensional successes. I have always lamented that most Corporate CXOs often lack academic intellect, and, on the other hand, most academicians often lack business acumen. There are few who manage both but often they become too dry or elitist. So when Branson comes with corporate success, academic curiosity, social responsibility, life threatening adventures, and an unending zest for life, we should all take a bow!
And, when such a man tries to condense his life’s lessons – ideas and secrets of his success – in a short book, we all need to queue up and imbibe every page.

Amazingly written!
Really good.
Well written!
Must read, very nice
Must read✨