Top Recommendations on God & Spirituality
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Those who relish the stillness of doing nothing, a no-mind time, will find the path to the Now in this book. For all the things that truly matter – beauty, love, creativity, joy, inner peace…
Vedanta, the highest form of knowledge, are ancient hindu texts called Upanishads. They enunciate the Hindu philosophy of becoming one with our true self, where there is no difference between subject and God.
Buddha must surely rank, along with Socrates or Confucius, as one of the leading philosophers of our eon. His genuine smile, calmness and clarity of mind contrasts with …
A leading public intellectual explains what religion really means: a practical discipline that teaches us new capacities of mind and heart. Fundamentalism, ‘my god is better than your god’, bigotry are …
Probably the most famous atheist alive debunks belief in God as a delusion! And does so very convincingly, looking at each argument in favour of God and offering scientific alternatives like evolution.
One of the most popular of all Upanishads (Hindu spiritual texts), Kathoupanishad is the story of young Nachiketa’s dialogue with death. He tries to understand …
Islam. You can love it or have a strong distaste for it, but you simply can’t ignore it. The extreme antagonism of its critics is matched only by the extreme faith of its 1.6 bn believers.
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