All website pages comments and feedbacks

  • From Nikita Joshi on The Psychology Of Money

    Thank you for these useful insights!

    2021/02/20 at 4:51 am
  • From Riddhi Piyush Kapasi on The Psychology Of Money

    Very well summarized and explained! Must give a read.

    2021/02/18 at 2:19 pm
  • From Madhavi Ravanan on The Psychology Of Money

    Awesome. Thanks for hosting the post here Nishant.

    2021/02/18 at 1:41 pm
  • From Diksha Dubey on Lolita

    Well articulated…. 👍

    2021/02/17 at 3:28 pm
  • From Diksha Dubey on The Power Of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business

    Beautifully explained 😍

    2021/02/17 at 3:25 pm
  • From Umang Dubey on Survive or Sink

    Insightful article.

    2021/02/14 at 12:43 pm
  • From Aniket Narkar on Guns, Germs & Steel (A short history of eveyrbody for the last 13,000 years)

    Thought provoking, the question does raise many more questions and some wild and free answers to it. Reading the blog was more like time travel. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful piece of literature😊

    2021/02/13 at 5:20 am
  • From Tanay Payasi on The God Delusion

    Concept of God has always been kind off a riddle, a very intriguing summary. Definitely going to read the book.

    2021/02/12 at 4:44 pm
  • From Apoorva Bhardwaj on The Power Of Now

    Interesting read. Thanks for posting, I’ll recommend this book to my parents for sure.

    2021/02/12 at 3:42 am
  • From Aniruddha Dhakad on Physics Of The Impossible

    Great one👍

    2021/02/12 at 3:00 am
  • From Minoti on Freakonomics - A Rouge Scientist Explores The Hidden Side of Everything

    Insightful article!

    2021/02/11 at 2:20 pm
  • From Rashi on Freakonomics - A Rouge Scientist Explores The Hidden Side of Everything

    These are actually good research topics

    2021/02/11 at 12:41 pm
  • From Minoti on Freakonomics - A Rouge Scientist Explores The Hidden Side of Everything

    Very insightful!

    2021/02/11 at 10:57 am
  • From Joey Tribbiani on The Case For God - What Religion Really Means

    I don’t share my food
    but i will believe in religion

    2021/02/11 at 9:59 am
  • From monica geller on The Case For God - What Religion Really Means

    i like everything about religion

    2021/02/11 at 9:59 am
  • From sam woller on The Case For God - What Religion Really Means

    very nice

    2021/02/11 at 9:58 am
  • From jhonapescud on The Case For God - What Religion Really Means

    wow this is good

    2021/02/11 at 9:58 am
  • From Naman Khurpia on The Case For God - What Religion Really Means

    good write

    2021/02/11 at 9:57 am
  • From Sarvesh Mishra on The God Delusion


    2021/02/11 at 9:51 am
  • From Tanya Sahni on The Road Less Travelled - A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values and Spirtual Growth

    I genuinely loved this book. I remember halting to get out a note pad and writing down this beautiful quote, “God is all that entropy is not”.  It truly made me feel like there is an overwhelming power of “good” in the universe. It truly hit since I used to be nihilistic, and he managed to having it all make sense. Thank you for writing about this beautiful book!

    2021/02/11 at 9:45 am
  • From Tanya Sahni on Freakonomics - A Rouge Scientist Explores The Hidden Side of Everything

    Thank you for your in-depth insights. This book seems interesting and well-aligned with my interests. I look forward to read it!

    2021/02/11 at 9:33 am
  • From Arnavi Acharya on Vedanta Treatise: The Eternities

    Yayy nice

    2021/02/11 at 8:56 am
  • From Akshata on The Road Less Travelled - A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values and Spirtual Growth

    Seems interesting. Will definitely read.

    2021/02/11 at 8:38 am
  • From Rajas Mahesh on Physics Of The Impossible

    Efficiently written 💯👍🏻.

    2021/02/11 at 8:37 am
  • From Akshata on The Power Of Now

    Great insights. Looking forward to reading this book.

    2021/02/11 at 8:37 am