Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff At Work
Author: Richard Carlson
Genre: Self Help, Management
A #1 Bestseller offering simple tips that bring out the best of us in work – by avoiding stress and anger over little things.
This book by Richard Carlson PhD (International lecturer, best-selling author) talks about how to minimize stress and bring out our best. It has a full 100 tips – some old wine, some new stuff, but all simple and easy to be applied.
The key hypothesis is: If we step back and really think about it, much of what bugs us on a day-to-day basis is actually the “small stuff” – traffic problems, constant deadlines, boring and long meetings, bureaucracy, requests not being answered, rude emails, demanding bosses, an assumed rat race, etc. [And/or the everyday tiffs with our spouses, the cranking of the kids]. The real problems –job layoffs, theft or violence – are really few and far between. Indeed, it’s all those little hassles that tend to drive us crazy.
And therefore, because there is so much “small stuff” to deal with at work, there is a direct correlation between the way you handle small stuff and your overall effectiveness at work. There’s no question that, if you learn to treat the smaller hassles with more perspective, wisdom, patience, and with a better sense of humor, you’ll begin to bring out the best in yourself. I have tried to enumerate a dozen of the more novel tips – simple and beautiful – and hope that we can all apply it in our lives:

Wonderful.. Thanks for the review. Keep it coming
You are genius. I love this novel concept of encouraging colleagues to read books by sharing summary and learning in advance. This is much better and useful than spending time through Instagram, facebook and what’s up. This will also help them to improve their work life balance.
Nice concept