Internationally acclaimed physicist, Dr. Michio Kaku, Professor of Theoretical Physics, is equally mesmerized by science fiction. [And so, it turns out, were Carl Sagan and Edward Hubble]. But like a true blood physicist, Kaku not only asks these questions, he tries to analyze their possibilities using the known laws of physics. And then classifies 15 of the more common ideas into 3 sets:
- Class I impossibilities are possible and do not contradict any known laws of physics. In fact, it may just be a matter of time (say a century or two) when these become a reality.
- Class II impossibilities would take more time, a millennium or so to become real.
- Class III defy laws of physics and, as of today, they do not appear to be possible.
Interestingly, the vast majority of ideas – force fields, teleportation, invisibility, telepathy, aliens etc – are just Class I impossibilities. And while a century of wait sounds like a dampener, remember, life on earth still has 4.5 billion years ahead of it. If we could make so much discoveries in the last few hundred years of organized science, imagine what all we will conquer in the billions of year the human race still has ahead of it (unless of course we self destruct before that!).
Even time travel is a Class II impossibility and not a Class III. Meaning, a million years from now (a mere speck in galactic time), our progenies may come back to visit us!
Force fields, the invisible shields that can protect an entire city from any incoming missile, may be possible through plasma gas (ionized gas). Invisibility may be achieved through metamaterials (in lab these have already proved to be invisible to microwave radiation, and now we need to repeat the same feat for visible light). Atoms have been teleported under the Danube river and one day we could teleport entire humans. An entire DNA molecule teleportation is planned in the next decade. Similarly, as a real world telepathy, using fMRI scanners, scientists are currently able to guess what one is thinking to an 80-90% accuracy.
Wow! This seems amazing!Thank you for referring
Efficiently written 💯👍🏻.
Great one👍